Wednesday, December 5, 2018

10 Tips to Prepare Financially to Study Abroad

Once you have clear examination for admission in the foreign university - don’t hustle for getting into university. First, take some time to re-think about everything, and then take a leap. Even the universities give you adequate time to think and involve yourself in a perfect planning because you are new to the place and generally none of your relative or friend stays there.
Here are top 10 Tips regarding your financial preparation :

 1. Scholarship : You must do a small kind of research on various institutions in your study abroad destination by visiting the university websites and try to know the details of the scholarships offered by the universities. Also, check your eligibility for any kind of scholarships. If so, do not hesitate to apply for the scholarships which differ from a thousand dollars to complete exemption from tuition fee. Even if you get a few dollars, it would be a great relief in our expenditure on overseas education.

2. Education loans : Once you get offer letter from a university, you can approach the banks and try to know the banks offering education loans on lower interest rates. This is a better way of spending money on education than investing our parents’ savings since the repayment of loan always encourages and motivates us to reap maximum benefit from the overseas education and reminds us of the responsibility. It also inculcates the awareness of leading our own life and becoming self-reliant.

3. Government Help : You can check out  with the central and state governments’ schemes to fund overseas education. The Indian government on its own and in collaboration with many international organizations and universities offers scholarships for study abroad programs. And, find out whether your state government has any such scheme to fund overseas education. For example, the states of Telangana and AndhraPradesh fund approximately 10 lakhs rupees per year per student for overseas education for a particular category of students.

4. Media : If you are unable to arrange money then you can opt the fund that is procured from a large pool of population through contributions. GoFundMe, GoEnnounce, and Kickstarter are some of the well-known platforms.

5. Part-Time Jobs : Though a part-time job seems to be difficult and strenuous in the beginning, it greatly relieves you from half of your study abroad expenses if you have the patience  of doing it.

6. Be Economical : You must be not only economical but also conscious of saving money, that helps you avoid unnecessary spending and concentrate on your studies.

7. Proper Planning : Right from the beginning, you must search extensively for accurate and authentic information regarding everything especially from an arrangement of funds to living and study expenses abroad. There are plenty of opportunities to arrange the funds through financial institutions and to plan your stay there through advice from your friends, websites and consultancies.

8. Talk to any study abroad advisor : It will be helpful to speak to a study abroad advisor at your home institution so they can help you narrow down program choices by assessing your best academic, cultural and financial fit based on your individual preferences.

9. Create Budget : Creating a budget that outlines how much you will spend on food, souvenirs, travel, and lodging each week will help you when planning your weekend trips.

10. Pre - Departure Meeting : This will have an excellent material on last-minute checklist items, how to pack, and general advice on what to expect.

  For more information contact CareerGro Overseas Consultancy.

Thursday, November 1, 2018


Studying Overseas and living away from home for some students is indeed an ideal situation. It brings in a major change in the life of the student, allowing them to broaden the horizon and get a whole new experience of living a different life, quickly adapting to a new environment, adjusting to a new culture, as well as refining the skills. Studying abroad draws new experiences with a balance in the firmer knowledge of academic, cultural, and many career benefits. Overseas Study changes the whole aspect of life and brings in a lot of career benefits.

Living on your own makes you more independent. As you mature in the whole process of growing up and living alone, you will also learn to become more self-confident. There is no doubt in the saying, Studying abroad not only expands your view of the world but it also has the potential to advance your career prospects. As by the study abroad consultants, here are a few of the tips and tricks as to how studying abroad can bring career benefits to you -

l  International Experience :

Sometimes all it takes is just a new perspective to turn things around!

Studying abroad embraces your opportunity by providing incredible new outlooks, customs, and activities. You open yourself to an international experience which is followed by new knowledge and expertise. Being in a new place can be overwhelming but this international experience adds advantage to build, support network, and look towards positive outlook to things. With studying abroad, one can experience the new outlook to things - including the customs as well as the activities. This doesn’t only benefit to the culture but also allows you to have an opportunity to live the moment of witnessing the natural wonders, terrains, museums, and landmarks. You will also find better understanding as well as immerse yourself in a new way of life - offering an incredible way to live. 

l  Greater Responsibilities :

Study abroad opportunity is without a doubt a wonderful asset.

One of the biggest benefits of studying abroad is that it gives you a fresh perspective towards things. It enhances her adaptability towards social, cultural and professional environments. Studying overseas can be a challenge but it enriches your understanding of different customs and people. The international experiences help you gain an understanding of the global perspective with an introduction to a new academic culture overseas. It gives you a fresh way of thinking, giving different insights and ideas with responsible thought. It even helps you to add up experiences in your portfolio, further allowing you to be more independent and taking greater responsibility from your learning.

l  Expanding your network while boosting your employability :

Variety is the spice of life!

With studying abroad, you will have the opportunity to witness life in a completely new way. Study abroad experience enrich your network and boosts employability. Your time abroad is the best time - it gives you a chance to develop a close friendship, build connections, and develop skills. Studying abroad will allow you to have an opportunity to not just complete degree requirements but also enhance language skills, further making an impact in the community while building a network that is professional.

l  Inter - cultural Development and Personal Growth :

Studying abroad allows you to fully immerse in a different culture as well as building a friendship that would last for a pretty long time. You can get a chance to explore the personal, professional, and academic life that would allow you to gain a positive aspect further reflecting the confidence and the career path. Studying abroad will help you to expand your abilities further helping you to determine capabilities of your own.

Being away from a family seems hard and daunting, but studying abroad removes you from the normal support of the family - helping you gain more skill and confidence. Your increased independence will help you take more responsibility for your action.

l  Network for Your Future with good Employment Prospects :

Studying abroad helps you move out of your comfort zone, further helping you open doors to opportunities and improving the career prospects. Cultural knowledge, surely helps you understand the broader aspects of business and sharing in an advantage in the job market.

With the improved contact base, you get a great chance to add something to your portfolio. This overall experience is invaluable. It’s more like a calling, “Ready, Set, Build your resume!” The international knowledge base helps you to strengthen your ability to work, allowing you to hone in on the communication skills. 
How you can make your experience better?
Here are few of the top tips you can follow by the study abroad consultants to make an experience smooth -
Ø  Set goals for yourself! Make sure you are careful about choosing the course and institution. You wouldn’t want to miss out the spot.
Ø  Research well about the status of your visa, expiration and all the other necessary details to keep yourself secure.
Ø  Immerse in the culture. In order to gain a better international experience, you can also apply for internships and get hold of proper work experience which would give you security.
Ø  Expand your social circle and be open to adaptability. Highlight your diverse cultural experience by getting involved with the people and community.

Conclusion :
As per the recent reports, it is believed that studying abroad helps you give an on edge experience through the competitive skills you gain on your experience abroad. Students who study abroad become aware of a world beyond their borders. Taking the leap to study abroad will make your resume stand out reflecting your skills, independence, patience, and a tolerance for risk-taking. It also reflects on your ability to take initiative showcasing the skills with adaptability and creativity.

Coming down to the final decision of studying abroad is in itself a big decision. Still, want to explore all that you need to know about study overseas, don’t worry - CareerGro got you covered!  With CareerGro, you can unravel the opportunity and boost career through networking.